Week of Apr 5th

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
April 5, 2020(2 events)

(-: Caramel Day

April 5, 2020

Caramel Day is dedicated to the rich, gooey, delicious substance made with the dark alchemy of the culinary arts. It is the known as Caramel, which is in fact born out of the rather exacting process of caramelization. The process is deceptively simple, you need merely increase the heat of sugar to a mere 170 °C (340 °F), at which point the sugar breaks down and turns into this much delectable substance with its rich golden color and iconic flavor. This is just the start of this process, the beginning of a trek to that which we think of as ‘Caramel’, that coater of Apples and binder of popcorn.

(-: National Raisin & Spice Bar Day

April 5, 2020

April 6, 2020(2 events)

(-: National Caramel Popcorn Day

April 6, 2020

(-: New Beer’s Eve

April 6, 2020

April 7, 2020(2 events)

(-: National Beer Day

April 7, 2020

(-: National Coffee Cake Day

April 7, 2020

April 8, 2020(1 event)

(-: National Empanada Day

April 8, 2020

April 9, 2020(1 event)

(-: National Chinese Almond Cookie Day

April 9, 2020

April 10, 2020(1 event)

(-: National Cinnamon Crescent Day

April 10, 2020

April 11, 2020(1 event)

(-: National Cheese Fondue Day

April 11, 2020